No, this isn't about baseball, I think I have outgrown that passion. I am talking about the road. On Saturday I took some pictures around our place. The road crew was out and about so I took some 'candid' shots.
Here we have a grader on one side of the road, moving rocks and earth, on the other side, we have a roller, making it all smooth again. Great to ride the bikes when it is like this.
Here is one of our favourite flagmen, he was posing for me, waving both orange and green flags at the same time.
Here we have your typical one lane of traffic while the equipment is working down the road. To be fair, the green truck is parking.
See, it all came together but, is it just me or do we have some poles leaning?
Amongst all the traffic, building and dust, we have the birds. A pair of Great Kiskadees are building this nest. We have been watching them for about a week now. They were nowhere to be seen this day, but they may have to go further to find materials to build the nest.
Here we have an Acorn Woodpecker digging for his breakfast.
Looks like he found it.
This is Iggy II. He lives in our roof, and shares the suntanning deck with us.
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