Our Beachfront Home

Our Beachfront Home
For Sale: Click on this photo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Green Green Roof of Home

The panels of zinc arrive.

A couple of days later, the panels are all installed and we await hopefully for the next stage to start.

Our house viewed from across the field to the north.

Enough trees around to maintain some privacy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Raising The Roof

Rafters complete.

House and deck with matching ceiling.

Bob climbed up to take this one of the wall/ceiling.

It's beginning to look like a house.

Now that the roof is nearing completion.

Monday, June 6, 2011

So We Can't Just Throw The Roof On???

First we have posts along the two decks.

Then the workers got busy installing the roof supports.

Can you find all six workers in this picture?

Meanwhile, downstairs we have things happening with the dungeon door.

The skies are turning grey.

But it keeps the tourists off da beach!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Da Walls Da Walls

 The first wall being lifted to the site.

 And behind door number one?

 Second wall in place, door number two.

 Third wall being put in place.

 Another view of the front door.

Wall number four being slid into place.

It has been a good morning as the walls were in place by lunchtime.

Some Assembly Necessary

They said our walls would arrive today, but we weren't holding our breath.

The walls arrive!!  We hope instructions come with them.

Scaffolding is in place.

The blue house (where we used to live), the white house (where we live now) and the wood (for the future house).

The crane is erect and ready to give the walls a lift.

When It Rains, It Pours

Just when you think things are going at a good pace, they speed up.

Omar and his helper working on the block room and the wood guys show up.

It's a ballet with the floor joists.

Eight people working all at once.

Floor joists in place.

Room almost finished.

The ground floor is just about done.  Almost time to move on up!!

The Dungeon

The beams are set and the laundry/storage room has been started.

Omar is working on the first wall.

It is going fast now.

The room is half way blocked in.