Last Friday we went into the village to see the doctor and he gave us a new prescription that we thought we could have filled at the pharmacy. Now the doctor had not heard of the medication we had been on so he telephoned the pharmacy. The pharmacy had not heard of it and said she would check around.
Monday morning, we phoned the pharmacy in the village and spoke with a charming woman. She remembered talking to the doctor about this drug and told us she had just been on the phone to Brodies in Belize City. She told us that Brodies could bring it in, but we would have to call them and have them fly it to Placencia as she would not order it for us. We asked her for the number. She told us the operator would help us. We mentioned that there were two Brodies in Belize City, which one did she mean. The answer was the same, 'the operator will help you'. We gave up on that.
I had a wild thought, "maybe the pharmacy in Dangriga would be a little more helpful?" No harm in trying, so we called them. The pharmacist was very knowledgeable and knew the drug I was talking about. He said he would put the order in that very day, and he even took our name and telephone number to call us if there was a problem. Tuesday morning, we received a call. "Your prescription is in." So Wednesday morning, we got on the bus to Dangriga, took our prescription into the pharmacist there and were told to just give him a call when we were getting close to needing more, he would reorder for us, he knew how important these things were to us.
I guess my real question is "Is the pharmacist in the village related to the woman that works in the BTL office?" They are both in the service industry. They seem to have the same sense of humour (none) and the same sense of service (none).
Seems more like turkeys in my mind.
Just so you know, the pharmacist is on leave right now. She just had a baby. Her sister is running the pharmacy right now. That is why you were running into problems. Once Nina gets back, you should try again because she is very helpful. I'm catching up on your blog this morning. I guess all I needed to do was to hit the refresh button!
Thanks for the update Adriane, it does help and yes, we will try again once Nina is back!!