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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Silk Cayes

Yesterday we spent the day snorkeling at Silk Cayes.  We snorkeled off the caye in the morning and came back to shore to find the most awesome meal waiting for us.  Barbeque chicken, lobster, beans, salad and scalloped potatoes, all followed by fresh watermelon and chocolate cake.  After lunch we went back out and had a swim all around the caye, a marathon swim.  Then we moved on to snorkel with the turtles, rays and a ramora.  Our guide James was fun and informative.  We all had a great time and look forward to the next trip. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

If You Build It....

In the afternoons, we like to sit in the yard and have our cocktail hour. We thought to ourselves, "selves, we need a table". So we decided to get a table. Then we thought, "if we have a table, we will need some shade for it". So it was decided, let's build a palapa. And we did!!!!!

Once the skeleton frame was up and set in concrete, it was time to prepare for the actual construction.
Here is the frame and the Bay leaves.

First, all leaves had sharp ends chopped off and then bundled and hauled up so this worker could then work his magic and weave the roof.

He works around the frame weaving the leaves between the layers.

Almost finished the roof.

The beginnings of the table.  The supports are attached to the pole.

View of the work at the top from the inside.

The reeds are wound around the post in ever widening loops and nailed in place at each brace post.

The finishing touches.

Inside finished.
A happy crew with a job well done, thanks guys!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon is the name for the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox.

A few pictures I took of the moon rise from the deck.

 Dinner time!

 It just makes you want to stay on the deck all night long.

Cleaning Up

Yesterday was International Coastal Cleanup Day!

We did our part. (Well Bob did our part!!)

Lots of sea grass since the last storm.

It piles up along with some logs.

Building a dune (hopefully) to start rebuilding the beach.

Action photo.

Starting to look good now.

Really good!

The man who keeps our beach.

Sammie and Buddy supervising from the yard.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Independence Day in Placencia

Yesterday was our Independence Day!!!! Lots of parades, they started at 05:00 and carried on through the day.  Below are posted some pictures of both participants and oglers.